HCH is a business that guides people toward improved health conditions both mentally and physically. This restores balance which offers enhanced vitality to clients. This is done by fostering a mindful approach to the consumption of not just food but every element of consumption in our lives , from food to beauty products to entertainment. We believe in the profound connection between what we put into our bodies and the impact it has on our overall health. By embracing a holistic perspective, we not only address physical well-being but also nurture a deeper awareness and consciousness: spiritual wellbeing. Together, we embark on a holistic approach that not only improves health conditions but also elevates consciousness, fostering a higher spiritual connection. I am passionate about guiding individuals to make informed, intentional choices that resonate with their unique needs and aspirations. I look forward to sharing knowledge, creating a supportive community, and empowering each of you to embrace a holistic lifestyle that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wellness journey.

  • heal the temple of consciousness

    At High Consciousness Health, we believe that the body is a sacred temple for higher consciousness. Our goal is to empower individuals on their journey towards holistic well-being, fostering a harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit.

  • Our mission

    High Consciousness Health is more than just a nutrition service; it is a sanctuary for comprehensive well-being. Our approach goes beyond traditional health practices, encompassing a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the body, mind, and spirit. This perspective at its core is an Ayurvedic approach, which acknowledges that each part of the body plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. We understand that true health is not the absence of disease but the harmony of the entire being – body, mind, and soul.

    Our dedicated nutritionist offers personalized guidance to help individuals achieve balance and unlock their innate abilities. We provide tools and practices to enhance self-awareness, develop mindfulness, and cultivate a higher state of consciousness. We empower our clients to lead fulfilling lives, embracing their inner potential and embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. Holistic well-being and spiritual evolution intertwine to create a life of vitality, purpose, and profound joy. I would love to walk the journey towards creating the life you truly desire.

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Welcome to High Consciousness Health LLC

Hi! Reagan Johnson a Holistic Nutritionist and I am so excited to work with you on this sacred journey! I help clients restore balance and vitality to their lives by improving their longterm nutrition behavioral patters.

My Credentials:

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Certified in Natural Medicine

Certified Yoga Fitness Instructor

Ayurveda based

Holistic Nutrition

Natural Medicine


Spiritual Wellness


Benefits of Hiring a Holistic Nutritionist:

  1. Personalized Approach: A holistic nutritionist will assess your unique needs, health history, and goals to create a customized nutrition plan that aligns with your specific requirements. This tailored approach ensures you receive the right guidance and support for your individual journey.

  2. Whole-Person Focus: Holistic nutritionists understand that your health is influenced by various interconnected factors. They address not only your diet but also factors like stress, sleep, physical activity, and emotional well-being. This comprehensive approach promotes overall balance and vitality.

  3. Empowerment and Education: Your holistic nutritionist will empower you with knowledge about the impact of food on your body, mind, and spirit. They'll help you understand the role of nutrients and how they contribute to your overall health, giving you the tools to make informed choices independently.

  4. Sustainable Lifestyle Changes: Rather than focusing on short-term fixes, a holistic nutritionist will guide you in making sustainable lifestyle changes that suit your life and your needs. They'll help you establish positive habits and behaviors that can be maintained in the long run, leading to lasting improvements in your health.

  5. Support and Accountability: Your holistic nutritionist will be your ally throughout your journey. They'll provide ongoing support, encouragement, and motivation, keeping you accountable to your goals and helping you overcome challenges along the way.

Sneak Peak into components coaching process:

Intial Assessment: The coaching process typically starts with an in-depth initial assessment. Your holistic nutritionist will gather information about your health history, current dietary habits, lifestyle, and goals. This assessment helps them understand your unique needs and challenges.

Goal Setting: Together, you and your nutritionist will set clear and achievable health goals. These goals will serve as a roadmap for your coaching journey and provide a sense of direction as you work towards optimal well-being.

Personalized Nutrition Plan: Based on the information gathered, your holistic nutritionist will create a personalized nutrition plan. This plan will include dietary recommendations, meal ideas, and tips to improve your overall nutrition

Coaching Sessions: You'll have regular coaching sessions with your nutritionist, either in-person or virtually. During these sessions, you'll discuss your progress, address any concerns, and receive ongoing guidance and support.

Lifestyle Integration: Holistic nutritionists focus on integrating healthy habits into your lifestyle. They may suggest stress-reduction techniques, mindfulness practices, exercise routines, and other lifestyle adjustments to complement your nutrition plan.

Empowerment and Education: Throughout the coaching process, your nutritionist will provide you with educational resources, recipes, and insights to deepen your understanding of holistic nutrition and its impact on your health.

Long Term Support: Your holistic nutritionist will continue to support you even after you achieve your initial goals. They'll help you maintain your progress, adapt to life's changes, and navigate any challenges that arise.

Working with a holistic nutritionist is an investment in your well-being. Through a holistic and personalized approach, you'll gain the tools, knowledge, and support to make meaningful and lasting changes for a healthier, happier you.

High Consciousness Health Core beliefs:

  • Holistic Nutrition can Heal

    we firmly believe in the transformative power of proper nutrition as a key to combatting any negative symptom or issue a person may face. Our core belief is rooted in the profound connection between humanity and the natural world. Just as we are of the earth, so too is the earth prepared to heal and nourish us.

    Our holistic approach to nutrition embraces the understanding that our bodies are intricately connected to the environment in which we live. By consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods that are derived from the earth, we can tap into the innate healing potential that nature offers.

    We recognize that each individual is unique, and our bodies require personalized care and nourishment. Through thoughtful guidance and tailored nutrition plans, we empower our clients to harness the natural wisdom of food to address specific health challenges, boost their immune systems, and foster overall well-being.

    From digestive issues to fatigue, stress, and beyond, we believe that proper nutrition can be a powerful tool in restoring balance and vitality. By fueling our bodies with the pure and unadulterated offerings of the earth, we set the stage for enhanced energy, mental clarity, and emotional resilience.

    Our mission is to inspire and support our clients on their journey to optimal health, tapping into the abundant resources provided by nature. We envision a world where individuals are reconnected with the wisdom of the earth, embracing the profound impact that wholesome nutrition can have on every aspect of their lives.

    Together, let us cultivate a harmonious relationship with the earth's gifts and harness the transformative potential of proper nutrition. As we align with nature's abundant healing properties, we embark on a path of holistic well-being, nourishing not only our bodies but also our souls and spirits.

  • Nutrition Healing leads to soul healing

    Healing begins with proper nutrition, and it opens the door to transformative changes in every aspect of the soul. Our core philosophy centers around the profound connection between nourishing the body and nurturing the spirit, creating a harmonious path towards holistic well-being.

    Here at High Consciousness health we use Proper Diet as a Catalyst for Healing:

    Physical Vitality: The body is a magnificent vessel that thrives when provided with the right nourishment. A proper diet supports the immune system, balances hormones, and aids in the natural detoxification process, helping the body restore its natural balance and vitality.

    Mental Clarity: Nutrient-dense foods can have a profound impact on cognitive function. A balanced diet can enhance focus, memory, and clarity of thought, promoting mental well-being and reducing brain fog.

    Emotional Equilibrium: The gut-brain connection is a powerful link that influences our emotional state. By choosing foods that support gut health, we create a positive impact on our mood and emotional stability, fostering a greater sense of calm and resilience.

    Spiritual Awakening: As we nourish our physical body, we create a sacred space for spiritual growth. Healing on a soul level often begins with self-care and self-love, which are intricately linked to the foods we choose to consume.

  • Opening the door to soul healing

    Opening the Door to Soul Healing:

    Proper nutrition sets the stage for a journey of self-discovery and soul healing. When we begin to prioritize nourishing our bodies, we become more attuned to our inner needs and desires. This heightened awareness extends beyond the physical, permeating into the depths of our being.

    Doors we will open at High Consciousness Health as a coach and client team may look like:

    Mindful Eating: Embracing mindful eating practices encourages us to slow down, savor each bite, and connect with the present moment. This level of awareness extends beyond the plate and seeps into other aspects of our lives, fostering mindfulness in all that we do.

    Emotional Release: As we consume healing foods and honor our bodies, we create space for emotional release. Healing foods can help us process emotions and let go of energetic blockages that may hinder personal growth and spiritual evolution.

    Intuitive Living: Proper nutrition allows us to fine-tune our intuitive senses. As we listen to the needs of our bodies, we become more attuned to our intuition, guiding us towards greater alignment with our authentic selves.

    Self-Compassion: Nourishing our bodies with love and care nurtures a profound sense of self-compassion. This newfound self-compassion extends beyond the dinner table, becoming a powerful force in how we relate to ourselves and others.

    Healthy habits: Fostering habits for self love, self care, and spiritual growth an enrichment using diet and nutrition as a grounding point.


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